SUN Urine Remover

neutralize pet urine odors
Listen To What Others Are Saying
Severe Urine Neutralizer (SUN) works immediately and permanently to completely neutralize strong odors. Trying is believing!
“My home developed a pet smell. I was nervous to have people over. I used SUN. I have my home back! It’s not the animals home. It’s my home.”

“Hi, I’m Kelsie from Forest Hills Pet Care. I work at a vet clinic, and therefore deal with animals urinating all over the clinic all the time. I had a puppy leave a smelly urine spot on our lobby rug, and used SUN to clean it. It was very easy to spot clean with, just a few sprays and a little scrubbing, and the smell was gone. Usually we have to hose off the whole rug and wait a day for it to dry, so this cleaner made my day a lot easier! I’d definitely recommend the SUN cleaner as a great stain and smell remover.”

– Kelsie, Forest Hills Pet Care

“My pet peed all over my bed last night! I found SUN and used it on the pee. When I went to sleep I was able to go to sleep without having the smell of pee. Use it. It will get you ready to go odor free!”

“SUN saved my expensive jacket. My dog Moxie had surgery and I held her on the way home from the vets. Later I realized that my jacket had a strong urine smell on the right side and arm. It’s not a washable fabric, so I worried my jacket had been ruined. A friend gave me some SUN, which I sprayed on the jacket. After drying, there was no odor left at all … other than a very light pleasant citrus smell. It was fabulous. Thank you!”
– Theresa O., Battle Creek

SUN is super simple to use.
And of course it’s completely safe around your pets.
“Sun takes care of urine odors. I’ve tried it. It works!”

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Dog Urine Odor

Dog urine odor question emailed to me recently from a reader:

“My dog has urinated on the tile and grout in my kitchen.  On humid days the smell of urine is very obvious, I am assuming because the urine has penetrated the grout.  Can you recommend product(s) to help get rid of  the odor?  Thank you




We have several good urine odor products we can recommend. I would suggest ” Severe Urine Neutralizer (SUN)” because it is very effective for dog urine odor and easy to use. The key is to get it in contact with the urine residue. If the urine has penetrated the grout (and it usually will unless the grout has recently been sealed with a very good sealer) then the SUN (or any product you use) will need to penetrate that area also. If there are cracks in the grout the urine can run down and get under the tile and into the wood or concrete underneath. Also pay attention to around the edges of the tile, under the baseboard and toe-kick on the cabinets. Anywhere the urine might have run. A black light in a dark room helps to locate any urine residue areas. Then you can concentrate on those areas. Let the SUN solution run down and soak into the areas that you think the urine has done the same. SUN solution will neutralize the odor in just a few minutes. Give it  five to ten minutes. You can wet vac or wipe up any excess solution after this period of time and then let it dry naturally or you can put a fan on it to aid drying. If there is still an odor after you have used SUN that indicates the SUN solution has not come in contact with all the dog urine residue.

Dog Urine Smell

I'm a big dog!Is it urine or not?

Do you have a spot on the carpet or floor that you are wondering if it is urine or something else? I am going to describe a simple test you can use to find out.

  1. Moisten the suspected spot lightly with hot water. Misting from a spray bottle works just fine.
  2. Take a folded paper towel and place it on the moistened area.
  3. Take a book (I use a phone book) and place it on the paper towel to help it absorb some of the moisture. You can put a piece of plastic between the book and the paper towel to protect the book from getting any moisture on it. Let it sit (absorb) for long enough to transfer some odor. 30 seconds to one minute should do it.
  4. Wearing gloves take the moistened paper towel and put it in a plastic cup or similar container.
  5. Smell the odor in the cup. This usually quickly identifies whether it is urine or not.

Creative Commons License photo credit: wotthe7734