Removing Pet Urine

remove pet urineThe quick and easy way of removing pet urine. There is a method of pet urine removal that is promoted by some company’s that sell urine removal products. This method includes buying their product. It usually comes in a ready to use spray bottle. They tell you to simply spray their product on the urine spots and you are done. Yes, this is quick and easy. This method will work only if the following conditions exist. If the product is a quality product and the urine is only in the surface of whatever you are spraying. The product has to be one of the types of products that are effective for urine removal. Some of the products these company’s are promoting are effective. Some are not. The second thing is, if the chemical you are spraying on the urine spots is only getting onto the surface then the urine has to be, only in or on the surface. If the urine has soaked down deep then a little spray on the surface will not solve your pet urine problem. The chemical has to come in contact with the urine residue. It also has to have the proper conditions for it to work on that urine. Those conditions will depend on the type of chemical you are using. For example an enzyme product has to stay wet or moist long enough for the enzymes to work and digest the urine residue. Certain neutralizing chemicals have to have molecule for molecule exchange to be effective. This means for every molecule of urine residue there has to be a molecule of the neutralizing chemical. It has to come in contact with the urine molecule and neutralize it or you will not get complete removal or elimination. If the urine problem you are dealing with is only in or on the surface and you use a good product and use it properly then this is a quick and easy way to deal with and remove pet urine. Pet urine stains and pet urine smells. These situations are very light dog urine damage situations. If you have moderate or severe pet urine damage you will not be happy with this method. You will have to do more than spray the chemical on the surface and leave it. This quick and easy way to remove pet urine is a great way to go when the conditions call for it or when you have light urine damage. Also see steps to remove urine for moderate damage. Or the injection method.

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